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Points championship

All riders will be entered into the relevant points championships indicated on the entry form - there is no joining fee for 2020/21.


Riders must compete in at least four competitions to be eligible for the championship show – and therefore the gorgeous rosettes and prizes!!!

 Intro Championship

Horse/rider combinations must not have won 3 or more intro tests or 1 prelim test prior to the start of the series or have any BD points. Points come from one intro test at each competition either class 1 or 2.

Restricted Prelim Championship


Horse/rider combinations must not have won 3 or more prelim classes or 1 novice class prior to the start of the series or have any BD points. Points come from one prelim test at each competition either class 3 or 4.

Open Championship

Open to all horses and riders in relation to the rules below…. Intro – combinations with no BD points or won more than 3 prelim classes. Prelim – combinations must not have won more than 3 novice classes, unaff or BD Novice - combinations with no more than 30 BD points and no points at elementary level. – Points come from any one class at each competition.

Junior Championship

Riders aged 16yrs and under at the beginning of the series. Riders can compete in any class, special rosettes will be awarded to the top three juniors in classes 1,2,3 and 4. Junior riders will be awarded points from any one class at each competition. The Supreme Junior Champion will be awarded an embroidered rug, sash and rosette, reserve will be awarded an embroidered saddle cloth and rosette, special rosettes to all juniors at Championship show.

ROR Championship

An ROR is a registered pure thoroughbred that must have raced anywhere at least once. Registered name must be supplied.

Coloured Horse Championship

Open to all coloured horses and ponies (Pie, Skew and Tri) of any age and ability. Points will be awarded from one class at any level at each competition. Sponsored sash, rosettes and prizes to 6th at Championship show.

Mountain and Moorland Championship

Open to all pure and part bred mountain and moorland breeds, must be a minimum of 12.5% M&M Breed if part bred. Passports will be checked!! Points will be awarded from any one class at any level at each of the competitions. Sponsored sash, rosettes and prizes to 6th.

Equus Health South Wales Young Horse Championship

Natural herbal solutions for optimised equine health and wellbeing.

Open to all horses and ponies 4 – 7yrs at the beginning of the series. Points will be awarded from one class at any level at each competition. Sponsored sash, rosettes and prizes to 6th at Championship show.


Sinai Dressage Veteran Horse Championship

Open to all horses and ponies 15yrs+ at the beginning of the series. Points will be awarded from one class at any level at each competition. Sponsored sash, rosettes and prizes to 6th at Championship show.


Sinai Dressage Mature Rider Championship

Open to all riders 45yrs + at the start of the series. Points will be awarded from one class at any level at each competition. Sponsored sash, rosettes and prizes to 6th at Championship show.


Equus Health South Wales Senior Overall Points Champion

Natural herbal solutions for optimised equine health and wellbeing.


Champion sash, rosette and embroidered rug. Reserve rosette and embroidered saddle cloth to runner up. Open to all riders over 17 yrs at the beginning of the series. All senior riders competing at three or more competitions are eligible.

Points Awards

Points will be awarded in two ways, for being placed 1st to 10th in the class and/ or by test percentage.

Point Awards for placings                      Point Awards for percentages

1st – 12 points       6th – 5 points           50% - 54% - 1 point

2nd – 10 points      7th – 4 points           55% - 59% - 2 points

3rd – 8 points         8th – 3 points           60% - 64% - 3 points

4th – 7 points         9th – 2 points           65% - 69% - 4 points

5th – 6 point         10th – 1 points           70% - 74% - 5 points 75% + - 6 points


Therefore if you are 1st with 73% you are awarded 17 points!


Rules Horses must be four years old at the beginning on the series. Riders who do not attend the Championship show will not receive their prizes and they will be passed down the line!!


Equine Influenza - we are operating a 12 month full course or annual booster policy, in line with BRC and the Pony Club. Although we do advise owners to top up with a 6 month booster. Injections must have been administered a full 6 days prior to the competition.


Riders may include five individual cheques with the first entry to prevent having to re enter each competition – they must notify the organiser prior to close of entries if they are unable to attend a specific competition. Competition will be run strictly under British Dressage rules unless otherwise stated. Judges/ Organisers decision is final in all respects.


The organisers, Sinai Dressage accept no responsibility for injury, damage, loss or theft to any persons, animals or property whilst attending the competitions. Entries must be on time with the correct payment included, late entries only if space allows. Times will be available on the website or by telephoning at the appropriate time. Due to increased costs withdrawals will only be refunded if made by 10am on the Tuesday prior to the competition or if your time can be filled from the wait list. Dressage tests may be called, whips and spurs are allowed for all classes although excessive use may result in rider elimination.

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